The 3-A certificate has been awarded to INNOVA valves, N-type and K-type, designed for use in the main treatment processes for food, dairy, beverage, and pharmaceutical products.
3-A certification is a worldwide renowned hygiene standard, ensuring the highest safety and hygiene. Thus, INNOVA N (shut-off valve) and INNOVA K (divert valve) seat valves are authorized to carry 3-A symbol. Specifically, INOXPA obtained standard 53-06.
These valves obtained 3-A certification for all valve sizes as well as seal options.
Known for its hygienic design, the range of INNOVA valves has EHEDG certification, ensuring comprehensive cleaning using CIP, without requiring disassembly. It complies with the FDA, EC 1935/2004 and ATEX versions are also available.
Guarantee of quality
In addition to assuring hygiene and safety, this hallmark ensures quicker and simpler valve handling, enabling cleaning and inspection processes as well as easier maintenance.
INOXPA underwent a thorough certification process in their facilities in order to obtain the 3-A certificate, testing compliance with the established 3-A Sanitary Standards requirements. This independent inspection, called Third Party Verification, ensures independent authorization, protecting the integrity of the symbol, and indicating the high quality level behind the symbol.
The certification includes a unique authorization number too. Code 3702 is a publicly available guarantee for online verification of the authorization granted to INOXPA to use and display these products with the 3-A quality symbol.
Die Produktionsanlagen von INOXPA zur Herstellung von Sauerteig sind eine ganzheitliche Lösung für die Brotherstellung nach handwerklichem Verfahren in großem Umfang.
Geräte und AnlagenMit der neuen Mischerreihe erweitern wir diese für unseren Sektor so wichtige Produktpalette und decken die Mischanforderungen für einen breiten und vielfältigen Anwendungsbereich.
MischungDie Bioreaktoren von INOXPA sind die definitive Lösung für eine möglichst genaue, effiziente und nachhaltige biotechnologische Produktion.
Geräte und Anlagen